Raspberry Pi + Realsense: MIT App Inventor

So when I found this, this is my savior

with no knowledge of JAVA I thought an app is impossible

but I found this youtube video

this showed that with Request of Simple HTTP server and GET request I can connect them

So he's the inspiration of the whole project, thanks ADEL KASSAH!!

the app inventor is consist of two parts: GUI and code blocks

This is basically the same as Android studio,

with this I can generate basic apps to suit the need.

In the code block session, you can see that all I did is send requests to the server, and I set my pi to a fixed ip and a Wlan router

The structure of this app is really basic.

The next steps are using maps

I designed my desktop app with csv which can be opened in QGIS or Google Earth to show the roads need to take pictures and the locations of pictures taken.

one method is use app inventor to create map, while auto is on record every point

but this is not syncronized with the data in Pi, and also for an old tablet in my company, this won't work so well.

I would say the better solution is to setup a Leaflet html templete and use also get method to show the image.

So thats's quite all I used for app inventor, and what could be done.

This is an easy way out, do finish the project fast with some results.

If I can straight send the data through socket and communicate between tablet and Pi would be great, but in current situation might not be possible.


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