RealSense learning/turtorial/sharing blog - Chapter Three: Frame control

In the last post we finished the adjustments of the camera

This part will work on the frames. getting the frames is the first step of the data

Explaining the content of the frame class and its instinces

The start is with setting up a pipeline

frames = pipeline.wait_for_frames() #wait until the next frame is ready

frames = pipeline.poll_for_frames() #get immediately a frame
These possibilities, we got a frame, what next?
The first thing would be align the two streams, because the depth and RGB camera have slightly difference on their view, depth is slightly bigger

And why not align it automatically? As dordinic answered in one issue, when 3D processing point cloud would be more color align to depth, while like in my case image comparison is using depth align to color, so the user can decide

align_to = # or also depth
align = rs.align(align_to)
aligned_frames = align.process(frames)

This is the code to simply align them, just need to enable stream at the configuration

So after the frame got, now separate them

depth_frame = frame.get_depth_frame()
color_frame = frame.get_color_frame()





I only used these two so far


"Size" "__getitem__"

So within the pipeline started the try with while loop will work for continuous streaming


So in the viewer the postprocessing can applie filters, also in here we need it, and for measuring, most important is the hole filling filter for me

The code of the options in the Viewer can be used in the code like this:
the structure is define a filter, and then process the frame

    dec = rs.decimation_filter(1) # define a filter
    to_dasparity = rs.disparity_transform(True)
    dasparity_to = rs.disparity_transform(False)
    spat = rs.spatial_filter()
spat.set_option(RS2_OPTION_HOLES_FILL, 5)
    hole = rs.hole_filling_filter(2)
    temp = rs.temporal_filter()
            depth = dec.process(depth_frame) #process the frame
            depth_dis = to_dasparity.process(depth)
            depth_spat = spat.process(depth_dis)
            depth_temp = temp.process(depth_spat)
            depth_hole = hole.process(depth_temp)
            depth_final = dasparity_to.process(depth_hole)

I translated the process in the rs.measure example
The hole processing is actually done under the spatial filter

So after the basic data is ready the preparation for visualizing will first colorize the depth frame
depth_color_frame = rs.colorizer().colorize(depth_frame)
The color scheme can be also decided in the option of colorizer

depth_color_image = np.asanyarray(depth_color_frame.get_data())
color_image = np.asanyarray(color_frame.get_data())

Then is turn the frames into numpy arrays

OpenCV visualization
color_cvt = cv2.cvtColor(color_image,cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)    #convert color to correct
cv2.namedWindow("Color Stream", cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
cv2.imshow("Color Stream",color_image)
cv2.imshow("Depth Stream", depth_color_image)
            key = cv2.waitKey(1)
            # if pressed escape exit program
            if key == 27:
As I mentioned before, opencv has BGR as defualt, so RGB must be first transformed to BGR to get the right color

With matplotlib it is also easy,
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

And it is done

Until here is the basic get frames and visualize, the basis of all future use and application.


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